We sat delved into her remarkable journey through the electronic music scene and how remaining authentic has been her secret sauce for success.

Your career has seen a meteoric rise, and you’ve performed at some of the most iconic venues and festivals worldwide. Can you share a particular moment or gig that stands out as a defining point in your journey?

I’ve had so many incredible moments in my career to date, but I think the defining point was playing the Mixmag Lab in Paris, after Jamie Jones 2019. I was so excited and nervous at the same time, I mean everyone has come to see Jamie, and it was up to me to keep the party going. Thankfully, It went better than I could have imagined. During the live stream the Mixmag team decided to bring the crowd into the booth so you could capture the atmosphere. It was the first time Mixmag ever had the audience behind the DJ booth and It felt pretty special to have been able to create that type of vibe with my music.

Your ability to read and adapt to a crowd’s energy is often praised. Can you describe your process or mindset when you’re behind the decks, and how do you stay connected with the audience?

I like to arrive at the show early if I can, and I’ll often head straight to the dancefloor to get a feel of the sound and the atmosphere. It’s usually at that moment I have a pretty good idea of what my first track will be, then once I’m behind the decks it’s about creating a journey. I always come with a mixed bag of records, as I’m known to change the mood a few times during my sets to keep people engaged and interested.

I’m big on eye contact and body language and crowd interaction. I often find myself mirroring peoples dance moves as we’ve made a connection during my set and it’s still a buzz to connect with the crowd and see their reactions to my music from behind the booth.

Tell us about playing at HE.SHE.THEY’s Amnesia residency this summer, what’s exciting about being back?

I absolutely love playing at Amnesia, it’s an iconic venue and one of my favourites. It holds so many memories for me and my friends, I partied many times at Amnesia before I was a DJ. Everything about the HE.SHE.THEY. parties from the diverse line ups and performers is something the island has been missing, and a movement I’m proud to be a part of. HE.SHE.THEY. are making waves in Ibiza, so many people have stopped me to tell me about the unforgettable experiences they have had at one of their parties, being in a space where there’s no judgement, and complete freedom to express yourself.

You’ve shared the stage with legends like Carl Cox, Honey Dijon, and Black Coffee. How have these experiences shaped your own style and approach to DJing and producing?

I still pinch myself sometimes, it feels pretty incredible that I get to share lineups with these DJs. Carl is mesmerising to watch, he has this infectious energy and passion that oozes out of him. When he performs he gives it 100% every single time, which leaves you with an unforgettable experience. If I can bring half the energy Carl does then I’m winning!

Honey Dijon is unapologetically herself, and I love that about her, she uses her platform to educate and advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community and it’s artists like Honey, who are paving the way for myself and others to be our true authentic selves. Witnessing Black Coffee’s sell out residency at HI Ibiza every single week, has given me the inspiration to know that anything is possible.

As a proud British, queer, black woman in the electronic music scene, how do you navigate and challenge the industry’s barriers, and what advice would you give to others facing similar challenges?

Firstly and most importantly I have never seen myself as ‘less than’, or ‘other’ and that is really important! Of course there are invisible barriers but I don’t let them stop me, I never have! I wholeheartedly embrace my uniqueness, it’s what defines me. I used to think when I was younger that you needed to fit in or make yourself smaller to blend in, but now, “never dim to fit in!” Is my life motto. I realised standing out and being my authentic self and owning every part of who I am was my secret sauce! I don’t want to be pigeonholed into just playing on the queer scene, or just in the spaces for black people, I want to take up space in all of the spaces. I have a right to be there just as anyone else does, I want to break down the boundaries and challenge the stereotypes, and I hope I do that by letting my music and my vibe do the talking.

Your productions have received significant support, and you’ve released tracks on renowned labels like Nervous Records and Edible. How do you approach your production work, and what inspires your creative process?

You really have to be feeling in a creative flow to produce music and I don’t ever force that flow. If I go to the studio and I don’t like what I’m hearing, I pivot and dig for music for my sets instead, and then try again tomorrow. I used to think I could sit down and think, today I will make a techno track, or today I will make a track for xxxx person to play, but for me it doesn’t work like that, I know I have to let the music lead and whatever happens happens! I take inspiration from life experiences and places I’ve visited. Working with other artists is also very inspiring, learning new techniques and perspectives.

Looking ahead to 2024 and beyond, are there any specific goals or projects you’re particularly excited about, whether in terms of performances, collaborations, or new releases?

I’m looking forward to travelling to new countries to perform, and reaching new audiences. I have an exciting tour lined up in September which will take me to the otherside of the world, which feels very exciting. I love collaborating with other artists, I have some really special B2Bs and productions to be announced later this year. I feel it’s a great way to challenge and grow as an artist, which is my main goal.

HE.SHE.THEY. unveils weekly lineups for season at Amnesia Ibiza

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A much anticipated third season of HE.SHE.THEY. in Amnesia Ibiza’s Main Room is just around the corner and now the boundary-breaking brand has revealed its carefully curated line ups. Global talents from across the house, techno and disco spectrum will play eight Tuesdays from the opening July 30 until the closing on September 17, while Claptone’s The Masquerade hosts on the Terraza.

HE.SHE.THEY. is one of Ibiza’s most unique and vibrant gatherings. It is an international family of music lovers that is focussed on old school values of inclusivity, diversity and welcoming everyone of all genders, all sexualities, all races. The brand has hosted parties with a weird and wonderful mix of club kids and party goers at clubs and events all over the world including Glastonbury, Coachella and Kappa Futur. It debuted at Amnesia Ibiza in 2022 and soon found the world renowned venue to be a perfect home with its out of this world production and shared party values. Now it returns with an even more brilliant season in 2024.

An epic opening party awaits on July 30 with Dan Shake, Ewan McVicar b2b Special Request, Jo Mills b2b Guy Williams and esteemed resident SYREETA, August highlights include a back to back between Berlin house queen Cinthie and Demi Riquísimo on Aug 6, a set from latest DJ-kicks mix series entrant DJ Boring and a psyched out selection from HAAi b2b Gabrielle Kwarteng on Aug 13, high energy trance, techno, and house from Partiboi69 and Hannah Laing on Aug 20 and the freshest curations from Sally C, salute, and Mall Grab b2b Effy on Aug 27.

September will see sophisticated deep house from Chaos In The CBD and colourful disco from Horse Meat Disco, techno from Berlin favourite Marcel Dettmann and electro from the one and only Jennifer Cardini. A sexy and stomping set from rising star BASHKKA is also not be missed. The whole season comes to a heated finale on September 17 when Berghain veteran Ben Klock, tasteful house selector Cassy, raw beat specialists FJAAK and up-and-coming talent Fabrice all play.

HE.SHE.THEY. is set to be the most talked about party of the Summer, so make sure you are part of the family this season and beyond.