Pan-Pot proudly drops the final instalment of the FORTE Remixes on their Second State Audio label, with mind-bending reinterpretations by Planetary Assault Systems and Obscure Shape

The EP kicks off with Obscure Shape’s ‘CORE (Peak Remix)’, a 90’s-inspired tribal techno banger. Deep chords from the original weave a colourful, epic atmosphere. With a hefty bassline driving the groove, this track is perfect for closing a sunset set or injecting energy into the dancefloor.

Next up is Planetary Assault Systems’ ‘ARC (Rumble Jungle Remix)’, a seven-minute journey into Luke Slater’s sonic genius. This remix is a masterclass in forward-pushing grooves, rolling rhythms, hypnotic sequences, and the iconic Pan-Pot vocal loop. It’s high-energy, tense, exciting, and pure class—a timeless techno gem.

On the flip side, Obscure Shape returns with ‘CORE (Reduced Remix)’, featuring a captivating rolling drum groove, pounding kick, and sharp bass sequence. A plucked lead evolves through the track, while the original “paralyzed” vocal sample adds variation.

Closing the EP is Planetary Assault Systems’ ‘ARC (Stomp Maker Remix)’, a harder take with a stomping kick groove, saturated percussions, and an evolving hypnotic percussive lead. The intense drum pattern, iconic vocal loop, and bleepy sequence transport listeners to new sonic depths.
